
Trevor Comyn

I’m Trevor Comyn, and my purpose is to guide and ​accompany you on your journey to deeper self-​awareness.

Through the framework of Internal Family Systems, ​(IFS), we’ll work together to explore the different parts ​of your inner world, helping you to experience more ​spaciousness, wholeness and clarity.

Stuck ?

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You may have you noticed certain thoughts that seem to ​repeat themselves, almost like a loop you can’t escape? ​What if these repetitive thinking patterns were actually the ​voice of a part of you that’s trying to protect or warn you in ​some way? How might it feel to gently explore and ​understand this part of yourself, rather than battling against ​it? Could uncovering the fears, beliefs, or past experiences ​behind these thoughts help you shift towards a more ​balanced and peaceful mindset?

Working together

In our work together, we’ll focus on connecting with your Self energy—the core, ​compassionate, and wise part of you that is essential for healing and growth. Using ​the IFS approach, we’ll explore the different “parts” of your inner world, helping ​you understand and transform those that may carry pain, fear, or trauma. By ​fostering a strong connection to your Self energy, you’ll be empowered to lead ​your life with greater clarity, resilience, and inner peace.

Please contact me to arrange a 20 minute free of ​charge call when we can discuss what you are ​looking for and whether I am the right fit for you.